Thursday, September 18, 2008


Hi. My name is Brent. I am new to this blogging thing. As a matter of fact, this is my first attempt at it, so please be patient until I can get up to speed. Let me also say that I am not a writer, but I hope that what I share will be engaging. I am an art director for a Biblical backgrounds and archaeology magazine called Biblical Illustrator published by LifeWay Christain Resources. Over the past 17 years I have made several trips to Mediterranean and Middle Eastern countries with a photography team to get photos of ancient sights and artifacts for the magazine.

This past spring, the editor-in-chief, a photographer, an archaeologist, and I spent a month in Jordan and Israel getting new images for our quarterly publication- and I don't mean the tourist stuff. We waded through waist high thistles to see ruins of Jezreel. We climbed over rubble at Kfar Yehudiya, a second century Jewish village in the Golan Heights. We crawled in ancient burial caves at Bethany. And we bajaed over dirt roads in the dark through miles of wheat fields to photograph the Philistine ruins of Ekron. In all, we tracked down over 100 sites and visited 8 or 10 museums. I have created this blog to share some of that trip and other future trips for those interested in reading travel journals and Biblical history. I will do my best to make sure the information is accurate and engaging. And as soon as I figure out how to post pictures, I will show you some of the highlights of our work.

The name of this blog was derived from two thoughts. First, volumes of history and culture that are constantly being dug out of the ground increasing the depth of our understanding of the Biblical narrative. Secondly, in Luke 19 Jesus declared that the very rocks would cry out if the people were silenced in their praise of Him. That sums up my desire- that I would have a greater understanding of the scripture and that my life would bring praise to Christ.

Well, good bye for now, but keep checking back. I hope to have some photos and journal entries up soon.

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